Wednesday, July 06, 2011

What's wrong with this ?

-I am sure that everyone is up to speed with the events this week in Orlando FL. It is a very sad fact  that someone murdered a lovely little girl who as far as pictures and testimony of others showed she was loved by her mother and family. Her mother,  was found not guilty of her murder. This does not mean she is innocent of her daughter's death. While it is disturbing and sad someone did murder or accidentally killed this lovely little girl who was deprived of life by this action we do not know if the defendant did it.

 The actions of the Lynch Mob and the media were also disturbing. People are sitting in the judgment seat where only those appointed to officiate are allowed and you have a media that is ginning up the hysteria making accusations that had not yet been proven. In the courtroom, it was just as bad as the judge was advocating for the prosecution who had no evidence to convict. What is wrong with this picture and where have the critical thinking skills and moral objectivity of people gone?

In regards to the defendant,if she is in fact gulity of this horrible crime or concealing the accident,it is my hope she repents and finds her peace in Christ. It is not good or wise to go to the grave a unrepentant murderer or party to one and face the judgment of God unrepentant.

People should be ashamed of themselves for sitting in the judgment seat and making statements to the media .One person stated to the media , " We should just kill her" and this was before the verdict was announced. Even worse people waited for tickets to the verdict anticipating the suspense and hoping for a guilty verdict for a case that had no evidence. Why? So someone could be held accountable for a crime they may not have committed; because a conviction would appease them. The crime she was guilty of they had proof of and that is lying to the police. The people rode on unbalanced emotion rather than reason and balanced emotion and the jury is being vilified for making a reasonable but painful decision. This was not the verdict the people and the media wanted as they decided she was a murderer becuse someone needed to be held accountable. It didn't matter if they were guilty or not

 What justice is it that the people wanted? They perhaps wanted in their hearts to kill someone who may have been innocent. If she was innocent and eventually executed that would be murder and the people who shouted for it would be as gulity as the one who  pulled the switch. We then have the media who already convicted the defendant without full access to what the jury knew. But as far as they were concerned she was guilty although there was nothing to tie her to it. This is a false witness. Someone needs to pay and will one day whether it is now or later but that is not for us to decide, this is God's decision. God gives this authority to the state to pronounce justice (Romans 13) and in our system a jury found her not guilty.

 The loss of precious life is sad and it is as bad when people want to sit in the judgment seat and kill someone they do not have a right to; because someone has to be accountable and I am running on emotion. Society was willing to convict a possibly innocent person to death to satisfy their emotions because of lack of evidence and media lies. I am not against the death penalty but it is the state who has the authority to use it and not me. The lynch mob on the outside was far from demonstrating Christian ethic,social grace, or civility. I am surprised they did not throw a noose over a tree branch and wait to hang the defendant.

 Well since we are running on emotion did this mob take time to care for the millions of innocents slaughtered by abotionists annually? Well most people think this is a Constitutional right even though they are responsible for the creation of a life. Why does a woman who has an abortion not get convicted of murder when we have the evidence? The crowd does not get angry about this. But now we have a mother who lost her child get tried for murder and possibly get convicted and sentenced to death for a murder that had no evidence to tie her to it. The defense attorney put it best no one won here! He is right and the millions of aborted babies lost and continue to lose.

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Rise of the Government and Decline of Morality

  I do not like to comment on politics on this blog but it seems as if politics wants to infringe on our religious rights via government. It is my opinion that if government can't do the will of the people it serves then it is not government but tyranny. Tyranny usually looks to make itself absolute as it cannot coexist with liberty. In this case, personal liberties are not being infringed rather it is the majorities liberties opposing the government's legislated tyranny.

 The government's interference in people's lives has been on an upswing for quite a while. We now despite our objections are forced to accept "homosexual marriage" as a civil right with campaigns trying to perpetuate a point of view on the public that has been voted down twice and would likely be voted down again( Prop 8) in California. On a side note, the worst part of this is that the appeals court said that the Judge's opinion was not influenced by the fact he is homosexual. I can go on about California as the city of "Frisco" has decided that circumcision of boys is barbaric and therefore should not be allowed even though Jews and Non Jews have practiced it for years. In the opinion, of the supporters of this legislation they say that parents should not force the decision on the child. What is the city doing and what has happened to letting parents be parents? Franlkly, I am glad my mother had me baptized as an infant and I had no decision in that matter, it was for my own good. It was also for my own good when my mother told me not to touch hot pans when I was a child. Doesn't Frisco have better things to do with taxpayer time and money than to put forth silly legislation?The hillarious thing about this is that circumcision can play a role in combatting STDS and AIDS which are a problem of the homosexual  and hetero sexual communities and they are supporting the ban on circumcision for the most part.

What happened in California also happened in New York. Government made a decision for the people that they clearly voted against. Although, representatives are hired to represent the electing public the interests of the majority were sacrificed  to serve an immoral minority who  twisted the terms of equality for their own device. This has resulted in a national explosion to legalize "homosexual marriage". Last night I saw a commercial advertising that addresses rights for all members of immoral sexuality. As usual the debate accelerates, since homosexual marriage has become legal in New York we have to shove it down your throat along with rights for every other sexually variant and immoral lifestyle. What is not realized is that no one is saying that you can't practice your desired lifestyle but you should not force it on others; which is what has happened. What will happen if the state decides to infringe on the religious conscience and rights of others if the state forces such rank laws and proclammations upon the churches who oppose this? Will their rights be honored or will their rights continue to be trampled on as the government continues to trample on the rights of Christians and the rights of the San Francisco the Jewish community. The verdict for those of us who do not appreciate government interference doesn't look good as the right of free practice is clearly violated by those who oppose God in every sense.
Hopefully, the argument to save Prop 8 will not stop here and that the ruling of the appeals court will be struck down and society will not have to continue to be the victim of the "immoral minority majority".I am not holding my breath though. It is getting a little nerve wracking to vote for something and then have it struck down when it does not meet one groups preferences for the world they desire to live in so the world that I want to live in has to take a backseat to the desires of a few. We can always redo the law and maybe avoid government interference by sound legal reasoning and avoid the governement altogether but this is probably wishful thinking. The kicker is no one is saying that someone else cannot practice a lifestyle that others don't agree with and that we all have equal protection under the law( the Constitution).

For those who disagree with us we need only to look to past examples in history to know that all societies that have engaged in such behavior have had to contend with a historical and divine judgment(i.e. Rome, Sodom and Gamorrah). I don't believe we should trust in the government to solve our problems and I certainly do not think it is the government's responsibility to invalidate what it truly means to have equal protection under the law. As far as the sinful behaviors go there are consequences for these behaviors being endorsed.

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Now What?

I assume that I am not the only Hockey Fan in the blogosphere but now I am back to watching TV less which is probably a good thing as it is not that edifying most of the time. Oh yeah I keep up with the news and such but there are not really that many exciting things on at a good time slot; I am an early to bed early to rise guy the job demands it.

 However what really upset me was that the Bruins won and Tampa Bay did not get a chance at a second cup. I did not have a dog in the fight so I am not really upset about this one even though I am not a Bruin fan.

Congrats Bruins we will be coming for you next year, Go Devils!

An apologetic on Hell.

 There seems to be a lot of talk lately about the existence of Hell. There are some who still choose to affirm it as truth and some are truthful about it and dwell on it and then others who choose to say it does not exist or that it is empty. So what is the proper way to treat the subject. Do we ignore it and say that it doesn't matter because " Love Wins" or do we continue to affirm and drag down the sinner who has not yet come to faith, by insisting on their damnation as a certainty when we are not sure of what their fate will be (they may come to faith and there is no gospel in double predestination).

  In answer to the first question , Love Won That Is Why Jesus Died!(John 3:16) However, in love Jesus warns his people and those outside of grace that there is a Hell( John 3:17-18). As stated in the Scripture below, Hell is a real place and to quote the Lutheran Theologian Quenstedt who quotes Chrysostom "Let us not speak where it is, but how we may escape it." Christ words warn us below.

Luke 16:23-24
23 And being in torments in Hades, he lifted up his eyes and saw Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.
24 “Then he cried and said, ‘Father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus that he may dip the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue; for I am tormented in this flame.’

Matthew 7:13
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it.

 So here is the question: Is Jesus still love even though he clearly declares Hell as an actual place? Well my answer to this is that this is the prime reason why Jesus came was to save us from this certain fate outside of Him. Without him we are dead in our sins which are our just wages and Hell our reward(curse). If God had another plan then our works may be enough to save us . The performance and reliance on any works is prideful and entering through the wide gate is exactly what the false teachers propose. That is not what Christ proposes because he is paradoxically the "Narrow Gate". Most would feel that a narrow door is the harder way but if you know the "narrow way" is the only way then it is not the hardest way because you know how to get there.

The Old Testament is used by Jesus demonstrating his complete consistency in the use of God's Word as these truths about Hell are clearly used by him.

Isaiah 66:24

24 “And they will go out and look on the dead bodies of those who rebelled against me; the worms that eat them will not die, the fire that burns them will not be quenched, and they will be loathsome to all mankind.” ( referenced in Luke 16:23-24, Mark 9:44)

Daniel 12:22

2And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt. ( referenced to in the Last Judgment Matthew 25:31,43)

Jesus is clearly affirming the same teaching in the Gospels that is in the Old Testament. So it can be said that Christ is being perfectly consistent in these declarations. Jesus firmly speaks of Hell and warns us because he loves us and does not want us to send ourselves there by refusing to believe he is the only way. This navel gazing being done by doubting what Christ says or choosing your own religion because you can be a good person and locking arms with religious leaders who are Marxists is only serving to do one thing and that is shipwreck those who are non discerning in faith.

 I wonder if someone thought of asking Bell this question. Since everything in the Bible is up for grabs and discussion; Is there a heaven? It seems people like him want to pick and choose which portions of the Bible they like and cross out other ones they don't like. Perhaps, Christ does not exist as we don't need salvation from hell? I am using a skeptics argument here. Such errorists as Bell create this type of questioning by and usher people to apostasy.

 So in the end analysis it is obvious Hell is a real place. It is also obvious that Christ's sacrifice is why "Love Wins in Christ" but in because a belief in Him is what keeps us from going there; and if it is a belief in Christ that keeps me from going there then Universalism is what will take me there. Universalism is the broad road and wide gate that shall lead the church to destruction as there is no God to believe in but any idol that you choose. It is really no different than affirming a moral atheism.

 I plan on writing more about this subject in the near future and how I am learning to talk about it with others.

Tuesday, June 07, 2011

Christians and Muslims Worship the Same God. That is according to Miroslav Wolf.

   The information for this post was taken from the Christian News who gleaned their information from (Christianity Today?) I use the parentheses and  a? because I sometimes wonder Christiananity Today  stands. This is my first post regarding this interview with false teacher Miroslav Wolf. I plan on continuing posts on this article until I cover the points Dr. Wolf made in this interview.

 I often comment on things that should seem obvious to all; but is what I say obvious to all? I think it should be obvious to all but may not be because there is so much of a mess that has been made trying to denigrate True Christianity. I am sure that many of us would like to believe that our Jewish neighbor, Muslim associate at work and Mormon and Buddhist friends are all going to be saved when it is all said and done.This is of course,  not the case and would make the true Christian faith irrelevant as all would be saved because of there works . This mindset also calls Jesus a liar and questions the veracity of the Scriptures themselves and in the end results in socially moral atheism, if there is such a thing (because it doen't matter what you believe you can even be your own God as long as you are a good person and everything is ok!) even Satan is saved because in this scheme of things he does not exist or is forgiven. This is precisely why the Reformation started in the first place which the Emergent Movement is trying to unravel. This would seem to be what Miroslav Wolf , a theological professor at Yale Divinity School and formerly Fuller Seminary Professor ( no surprise here either) would suggest and being that it itches the ears it just feels so good! Just because it feels good does not mean we do it .

Wolf believes that it is important that Christians and Muslims realize that they worship the same God because 1: They make up two of the world's largest religions and comprise more than half of the people in the world
2: Christians and Muslims are at each other's throats literally if not figuratively and we need to find ways to live peaceably together.

These are his quotes by the way!

Well  hug a tree and free to be you and me!

 Tell that to the Coptics and Catholics in the Middle East who have asked for nothing more than to live in equality and peace. Not only does Dr. Wolf get it wrong theologically but geopolitically( Geopolitics takes the backseat here). In my area, there are a lot of Copts who have told me what is happening in Egypt and it is not good and that as a minority and Christians they have always wanted peace and this pursuit of peace is not the doctrine and practice

Here comes the Cortisone  the itch is about to disappear.

Christ did not come to this world to bring peace but to save it from sin. Christ says in Matthew 10:34-35 Think not that Iam come to send peace on earth. I came not to send peace but a sword . For I am come to set a man against his father a daughter against her mother , and the daughter in law against her mother in law.(KJV) So much for peace ! So Christ does not promise peace and if we do not believe that He is the only way to Heaven we are accusing Him of being a liar. If we say he is lying then His Word has no place in our lives and we have no salvation.

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Haven't we heard this before?



 20But the prophet, which shall presume to speak a word in my name, which I have not commanded him to speak, or that shall speak in the name of other gods, even that prophet shall die.
 21And if thou say in thine heart, How shall we know the word which the LORD hath not spoken?
 22When a prophet speaketh in the name of the LORD, if the thing follow not, nor come to pass, that is the thing which the LORD hath not spoken, but the prophet hath spoken it presumptuously: thou shalt not be afraid of him

Deuteronomy 18:20-22 (King James Version)

  He lied once before and he lies again and he should not be believed October 21, 2011 either. Unfortunately, there are some who will and will see the same thing come October 21, 2011. We do not stone people for this now and many have gone astray  and do not believe in God anymore . These people who don't believe in God look at people like Camping as a reason for laughter and slander against Christianity, an article to prove that their unbelief is really true ( and it isn't) and as a way to further marginalize the church from society by putting Christianity in one box. My favorite one box quote from the media is when they label false teachers and perverters of the faith as "Evangelical Christians"(Osteen and the TBN Group). My answer to their ignorance is where is the Good News( Evangelical Message) in what Camping teaches? Is his teaching in the Bible?

 The answer to that question is there is no Good News in Camping's message it is a product of the devil to further do destruction to the Church. The answer to question two: his teachings are not in the Bible and are twisting the false teaching of Calvinism and the patently false "Rapture" teaching. Camping's false teaching has done harm and will probably reverberate for a little while. However, let us take heart and be of good cheer that the Church has remained for over 2000 years and will until our Lord Jesus comes to redeem His own on Judgment Day. By the way, the great thing is that there will be no "Rapture" because we will all be going to Heaven ( all who believe in Christ) 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

As for those of us who still believe in the Reformation and the true teachings that sprung from it we must seperate ourselves from those who teach falsely and affirm the saving truths of the Reformation now more than ever.

Sunday, May 01, 2011

Christianity Today?

 I want to give a shout out to Pastor Mark Henderson over at Glosses From an Old Manse for this Quote from C.S. Lewis.
"In the 1950s, C. S. Lewis was asked by Decision magazine whether he was concerned about the “de-Christianizing” of the West, especially Europe. Lewis replied, “I’m not really qualified to speak to the question of the culture, but there is definitely a de-Christianizing of the church.” It’s one thing for Christian churches to lose their cultural influence. Fusing Christ with a particular civilization is already a gross distortion of the faith. Nevertheless, “Christendom” is over, regardless of whether you think it was a good or bad idea in the first place. Benign prayers to an unknown god in public schools, apart from the Mediator, is already a capitulation to secularism. Who cares whether crosses no longer dominate national memorials where Jews, Moslems, Buddhists, and atheists are buried? The question is whether the cross is proclaimed in our churches."

 Being a Christian and an American I like other Christians around the world have seen the phenomenon of the Dechristianizing of Christianity. Many churches have sacrificed the Means of Grace ( Word and Sacrament) for holiness that cannot be obtained on one's own or downright apostasy ( emerging church movement and theological liberalism. It does not stop there however as Rev. Falwell and the Religious Right have done their damage also.

 Lewis' comment puts a great big light on what is happening in the realm of popular Christianity as it it losing the connection of the head with Christ and both sides right and left are practicing Gospel Reductionism. Both sides have different gods with the theological liberals you have a Jesus that isn't the Savior of the World and emphasis on Social Gospel and Good Works not because Christ lives in you but out of compulsion. Meanwhile, the right like the left has a big penchant Gospel Reducitionism by practicing a theology of overtaking the culture for God to  have a righteous nation in America. Spare me please! I believe the book of Isaiah puts it best there is none righteous not even one.

 Both of the so called Christian Philosphies on the left and right are guilty of turning from the Cross of Christ though both would say that they are following Christ's Comission. But are they?

On the left you have those who even doubt the Words of Christ and that heaven is not a real place and that Jesus did not ressurect on Easter Sunday ( Karl Barth also beleived this) and that as the emergents and other liberals would say that Christ did not die to atone for sin but to demonstrate the injustice of the world. So in the view of the left there is no sin and works based righteousness shows you Christ's will for the world to fight injustice and not to declare salvation through Christ . Even though Christ tells us that he was going to die for the sins of the world and raise again on the third day. Like the Christian Right the Christian Left also dismiss the efficacy of the Word and Sacraments. The left goes one further they dismiss the Resurrection and promote, pluralism, syncretism, Universalism and occult practices(  all of this is idolatry). For many in the Christian Left there rapture is in the world now. There goal for a rapture is to eliminate war, poverty, social justice, and discrimination. This involves endorsing many things and concepts in opposition to God's Word ( i.e. gay marriage and clergy and womens ordination). Heresy and the endorsements of such speak for themselves and since heresy is obviously wrong there is only one thing left for heretics to do and that is repent of heresy. With God's help some may. The problem is it is so deep in the church. Other heresy and falsehoods demonstrated in televangelism are obvious and though not necessarily liberal are some mismash in between both sides that require a whole different discussion.

 Then there are those in America known as the "Christian Right". The so called " Evangelical Super Christians" who would be head and shoulders above me and ever other Christians who love the truths of God's Word and not their pietism. Many of them seek to do the things on a social level the Christian Left seek to do. I have no doubt these folk are my fellow Christians and have done a lot of good in the name of our Lord Jesus. But they have done  damage as well everywhere from trying to force the government to make Christianity a state religion ( look at Europe this was not a good move) , force Christianity on unbelievers rather than declare the good news as a believer( Bibles mandatory in pagan educational establishments). As Christians we are supposed to give witness to others for the hope that is in us when asked by the unbeliever( 1 Peter 3:15). To bring others to Christ we should discuss and confess Christ to others, but forced evangelism takes a toll on Christian and pagan alike. As said before, the Word and Sacrament are taken seriously but not in the context they should be. The Word and Sacrament in the Christian Right have been replaced by how you are living the Christian Faith and the Sacraments are regarded as something that you do and not for you. To be honest I do not think any of us are doing this if we we are living as theologians like Wesley would have us believe we should  then we could go ahead and disregard Romans 7 especially verses 13-25 and overlook the Word's of  Christ in Matthew 25:26-28. With such disregard for the things which God gives in His Word it is no wonder Wesley had doubts about his faith because like the left who disregards their savior his trust on Christ was shaky when he felt he was not "holy" enough. Guess what the good news is none of us are that is why Christ's blood makes us holy, chief of sinners though we be. It seems though that also many of our fellow Christians who live in the world of the Christian Right look also for a rapture that  is not going to happen. A rapture is a lack of trust in what Christ has accomplished on the Cross. It almost smacks of Christ was not sufficient enough to atone for anyone's sin so a second chance is being given so those who did not believe before can become acceptable to God. Why would you want a rapture when your Lord wants to take you with Him to Heaven because he atoned for your sins already?

  You have heard it said that there is no difference between the politics of left and right. There is no difference in left and right Christianity either. For example, many so called "Evangelicals" voted for Obama who believes in Abortion ( I have a friend who did this) and these "Evangelicals" are some of which have become "Emergence Christianity" that is Biblically empty Christianity( Not Christianity!). So much of American Christianity has become an exercise of escapism. From the rapture to Not of thisWorld stickers to the Social Gospel  and the Denial of Scriptural Truth (i.e the rapture, Rick Warren's false teachings and Rob Bell's hreetical teachings). The desire to have God's Word speak to their directions is reducing the meaning of God's Word. That meaning is Christ for sinners!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Holy Week a Week of Suffering and Joy

It has been a little while since I have written anything. Believe me it was never an intention of mine to not post, but new obligations have taken some hold recently. These are now nothing that cannot be taken care of and Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow for getting me out of the issues!

 People often like to blog periodically during Holy Week.  Today, I chose to blog about what happened during this repentant and joyous time. Interestingly enough, in this time of repentance I often behaved the opposite of how I should. I was unkind, impatient, and self serving even during times when I should be behaving I don't. In all of this, I see the Lord who did all of these things and through his passion I see all of the things that I have done this evil I have and do now nailed to the Cross. So why do I look at the Cross when I keep doing the evil  I am doing? The answer is simple because I need to be reminded of his gracious love which He gave me as I am such a wretch ;doing nothing deserving of His grace; yet I continue to do evil even though I wish to do good. I am sad because of the death that an innocent man died for me.His death was done to save me and all guilty. The good news is we are justified by his blood and not our own works. If we were to be justified by works then Christ would not have had to die for our sins.

 This death was one that brought life as He lives so shall all who call on Christ's name. The tomb is empty and all other false messiahs are rotting and will rise as I will but not to life with Christ but life apart from
Him; a life of no joy with God. But for those who do not know him today there is an opportunity . As one looks at Easter they can see what life is ,the death that sin brings, but the life of Christ and the empty tomb.

Salvation unto us has come from God's free grace and favor.( Paul Speratus)

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Do Evil People Pray to God?


 I started thinking about this question when I was listening to the radio and the host was discussing with one of the callers about racism. The caller stated that racism was manifested when one group had power over another and exercised it. The host said that the current Ku Klux Klan did not have power over anyone and was pretty much irrelevant with the mainstream of America and did not have any power would you consider them racist? The caller conceded the point and then went and stated that the members of the Southern Baptist Church in the 1960's were not praying to the same God in their services as the other Baptist group because the Southern Baptists had racist leanings . Most of them I am sure were praying to the Triune God. I say most because only God can judge the heart and there are unbelievers and hypocrites in the church.

 What part of Jesus Christ dying for the sins of mankind did this guy not understand? I do not advocate racism and it is one ugly sin but so are they all and I am sure that everyone in the Baptist fold who supposedly was the oppressed( as the caller called them) and the racist Southern Baptists were sinners. Guess what? Christ died for the sins of both groups and I am sure both groups would affirm this. What is apparent is that the people praying in both churches were praying to God as the sinners they were or are as some are  as they are probably still alive.

 Even better than this I am not a racist but I am evil as my sins are to many to list. Isn't that the reason Christ came to save an evil mankind( you and me) and shape them into his image? The great exchange of Christ and his righteousness for us changes one heart and soul  and I feel pretty confident Christ's change happened in the lives of some of the racists and the unfortunate victims of their sin as the Holy Ghost works within us.

 So evil men do pray to Christ! We even have had evil clergy who have done so recently. I am sinner and a saint and as an evil man I pray to Christ for forgiveness and mercy and ask Him to change me more and more each day. However, not all evil men do this!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Yeah but don't we still have to deal with the creator?

 According to the BBC a survey was taken stating that religion may become extinct in nine countrie. The problem with what the so called survey is saying is that the answer is loaded. People answered no affiliation of religion and this certainly does not discount the number of people who claim to be spiritual and to be honest even the atheist claims this. Even the atheist has a religious belief in the scientism he places his faith in . Scientism, is a religion .It definitely is because even researchers  such as one Mr.Cody who is not a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu or anything else says, " No one really knows anything about how the world got here". If you listen to many who call themselves non religious who in reality are devotees of "Scientism" evolution is the fact.Even if it can't be proven. They hold to this belief as i hold to the resurrection of Christ which is documented and is true and is not a theory. Yet they have not gotten any closer to proving their theories than before and have often lowered themselves to stating that alien bacteria are in a meteorite that was found on It is  kind of like Dawkins saying transitional lifeforms are not needed for evolution to be true. A proverbial atheist grabbing of straws. I find it a little sad that you want to grab at straws but if that is what you want to do I feel sorry for you.

 Enough bashing on the scientific religionists! What is the problem with religion today? I will only address this from a Christian perspective. In the Christian faith we are in a state of extremes. On one hand we have the non denominational, fundementalist, name it claim crowd and the other side we have the pedophiles of various Christian Stripes, higher critics of liberalism, the politically religious,  and the religiously apostates.
These various groups have unfortunately, become what the Christian faith is now known for. With all of the fullness of false teaching, crimes, theatrics and poor behavior they have managed to break down the faith of ordinary people. Ordinary people have no place to go so when the promises of these groups run out or when the people feel victimized there are only two places to go; the so called spiritiuality of the self (Gnosticism) or atheism. Either way you have a belief system just not one in a religious denomination. So what do we do to stem this tide of disatisfaction among those who want to leave the faith? The first thing we have to realize is that some will leave but others are still looking for the truth. That truth is in the true faith  found in Christ and not the faith in Christ you find on television peddled by the hucksters of TBN or anyone else on TV. You will find this true Christian Faith in God's Word and Sacrament. I am going to stop here for now but will continue later.

Saturday, March 05, 2011

What We Believe is What We Practice

 If you are like most in the Confessional Lutheran Church in America you are battling the Christless, man centered, and rationalistic, "Praise Worship". coming from the theological void of evangelical experientialism. This type of worship is of course not consistent with what we believe or teach as a church and is therefore deadly to our future existence as a church of the pure gospel.

 You see we in Lutheranism unlike the emergent village and the McChurch still believe in "Grace Alone","Faith Alone" and salvation through Christ alone. We know that the works we do amount to nothing in our favor and it is Christ who justifies.

 But many outside of us run from the assurance of Grace, Faith, and Salvation through Christ and instead decide to be content with the 5 points that better you as a Christian and this includes a worship that is "Christless". This is obvious because if you go into one of these churches they are probably telling you that it is all about you when you go inside and then hearing how crappy you are. Then if that is not enough you have to try and think that you really aren't so Crappy when singing "Lord I Lift Your Name on High. To finish it off the communion you are having is treated as if it is another command you have to do rather than a meal with Christ for your sins and newness of life.

 What am I getting at here? The Lutheran Liturgy is centered around "Christ for Sinners".In otherwords,
forgiveness of sins and the joy of hearing theLaw/Gospel and receiving the gift of the Lord's Body and Blood.  This is Scriptural !With these other modes of contemporary worship our doctrine and practice change as the modes used for worship shift away from Justification, Forgiveness of Sins, and Christ for sinners and into our self satisfaction and worthiness to Christ. My worhtiness to Christ is great as is yours he died for us what can we give Him as he gave all? Answer nothing! This is not what our church believes or practices but it is the sabotage being used by bureaucrats and enthusiasts who marvel at megachurches who have been there and done that but are no longer growing themselves. They marvel at bygone decades of success that has spawned  Bad TV Shows,  False and Fad TV ministries, and films with false doctrine( Left Behind) and Christless Theology Books( Purpose Driven Life).

   It may even be safe to say that these megachurches are losing people to Eastern Orthodoxy, Rome, and other religions including Atheism. What  some these people were looking for was transcendence which is offered in the Liturgies of EO, Romanism, and Confessional Lutheranism. A foreign mode of worship to "evangelicals" that speaks of transcendence in all three and of forgiveness of sins in Lutheranism to the sinner who needs it. I say this becasue the RC don't believe in justification by faith and the EO have an entirely different take that does not speak of justification either.I do want to compliment the EO and RC because they have not allowed their litrurgy to be replaced with this "bastardized contemporary crock". These two churches have remained who they are. While some in  Lutheranism are running to undue the Refromation by embracing fad and false teaching. I am loathe to call this fad and false teaching Christian because what has invaded the so called evangelical churches as of recent is fad , false and unchristian.This is typical  of Lutheranism as it always comes to the fads late. Perhaps, because the Lutheran Fathers and many of us do not desire the fads of "milk" but "Solid Food" as Paul would say.

 Todays pastors should take a cue from Herman Sasse, " There is no more a damning indictment of a theologian than to say that he knows nothing about the liturgy". Let's start by undoing the damage that has been inflicted on us by those who want to trust in psychologists and Peter Drucker.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Does the Bible have Mixed Messages on Sexuality? Depends on who you are asking.

Does The Bible Have Mixed Messages on Sexuality? Depends on who you are asking.

. Higher Criticism is Garbage! So I guess it should not surprise me to see what comes out of collegiate theology schools. Hopefully, we can keep this out of the seminary but I doubt it. This is from a CNN Blog on Religion so I guess I should not be surprised by the writer Jennifer Wright Knust's view on the Bible and sexuality and her belief that the messages are mixed. Are they?Interestingly enough she begins the liberal argument on Biblical views on sexuality the same way. Usually women priests are liberal zealots as any orthodox church would never ordain a woman. Women are not ordained because the pastoral ministries have always been the role of men. This is not because we Christians are bigots! Anyhow below Ms. Knust begins her argumentation from her "Take". By the way, a take does not count for a fact so perhaps we should not be kneejerk about this. Ms. Knust states,As a Bible scholar and pastor myself, The Bible says Homosexuality is not a sin. Actually the Bible does say it is a sin.I guess we are not supposed to take any of what the Epistles say or for that matter the Old Testament seriously. Homosexuals will not inherit the Kingdom of God 1 Cor 6:9-10  To lie with a man as one lies with a woman is an abomination Leviticus 18:22 and let us not forget to mention Romans Chapter 2. The people who try and substantiate their argument by saying commited homosexual relationships are excluded and not fornication are flimsy arguments. If we look at the Old Testament it clearly states that such behavior is an abomination. Scripture interprets Scripture if the New Testament derivates from the Old then our faith is not Scriptural or Christian. She also says,"I love gay people, but the Bible forces me to condemn them" is a poor excuse that attempts to avoid accountability by wrapping a very particular and narrow interpretation of a few biblical passages in a cloak of divinely inspired respectability. Actually, I do not condemn as we are all worthy of condemnation. But, I am one of those people who condemn this behavior and do not excuse my sins but repent of my sins daily. I am no holier than anyone else. As Christians we should love our neighbor( including gay people) as ourself as we are commanded to by Christ as said in Matthew  19:19,22:39, Mark 12:31, and Matthew 5:43. We are also told not to ignore the plank in our own eye while saying to our brother to remove the speck from his. To be honest I think it is rather unloving to not point other sinners to where life is and that life is in Christ. What a disservice to our fellow man to not share the saving Gospel with him.   In a nutshell I am a sinner and I am in need of God's forgiveness. All fornicators(including me) and this includes homosexuals and whos sin  in thought word and deed need forgiveness because even the thought is sin . Those who continue in impenitence straight , bi, or gay are committing grave sins that will send them to hell and I do not want my neighbor going to hell so I will announce to him or her the forgiveness of sins through Christ after faith, actually when one believes in Christ his sins are forgiven.  This is true love for ones neighbor. Love for ones neighbor is not saying whatever floats your boat if the boat is sinking! However, true faith comes from repentance from sexual sins homo or hetero. Ms. Knust is doing another diservice to her fellow human beings by sitting in the judgment sit of God and saying God loves you and your perversion. By the way, isn't not sitting in the seat of judgment but making a judgment sitting in the judgment seat? Truth is, Scripture can be interpreted in any number of ways. And biblical writers held a much more complicated view of human sexuality than contemporary debates have acknowledged.  This is the argument that is always used if we continue to believe this we either do not trust the Scriptures or continue to believe they say whatever we want. It would seem to be obvious she is taking the high ground as she is not using Scripture to defend her points of view. That is because Scripture says something completly different. If you believe what she is stating then you cannot trust any Scriptural record. In Genesis, for example, it would seem that God’s original intention for humanity was androgyny, not sexual differentiation and heterosexuality. Where is  this said? From what we can see differentiation is exactly what God had in mind I thought the Gnostics were heretics? Talmudic Scholars are Jews so they will not believe the New Testament and will not read the Scriptures the way they are to be read. By the way, none of these are Christian sources. If we go to Genesis 2 it says that he made them Male and Female. Does that sound androgenous to you? Genesis includes two versions of the story of God’s creation of the human person. First, God creates humanity male and female and then God forms the human person again, this time in the Garden of Eden. The second human person is given the name Adam and the female is formed from his rib. There is also the Lillian Allegory. However, Jews will state that the first five books of the Bible cannot be changed as this  the Torah. That however, does not mean it cannot be debated by the Talmudic Scholars. Often times Jewish Scholars debate on things that are not written and form their allegories. If this position has validity how can the Jews trust the Torah and how can the Bible be legitimized? Why is only one Genesis in the Bible and why are not two versions available. I think the Genesis allegory she speaks of is what is known as the Lillian Allegory. Lillith was the first Eve and she did not want to be Adam's helper or partner and wanted to assert her superior position in sexuality. Lillith wanted to be on top of Adam, in simple speak. So she was banished and then came Eve who was content with being the helpmate to Adam. Again why are we only hearing this in the circles who deny the Scriptures? I guess for the same reasons Talmudic Scholars like to debate all day about what should be said in the Bible. I guess if you are Jewish and you believe in the Torah then you have to have some doubt in whether it can be trusted. Ms. Knust is not really addressing the Lillian Allegory here she says that the male and female are created and then created again in the Garden of Eden this time with the woman being from the rib of Adam. Isn't it funny though the only story we know of and that Moses speaks of is the one that is in Genesis that speaks of Adam's rib. Lutheran Theologian Chemnitz would say that the longer the oral tradition was in place the more chance for corruption and it was therefore God's desire to have Moses write the first five books of the Bible and if what Moses wrote was from God? Then all of this other baloney is nonsense. The more things remain unwritten  the less trustworthy they become. None of these so called legends are in the book of Genesis the only story we know of is the one that is in Genesis. Ancient Christians and Jews explained this two-step creation by imagining that the first human person possessed the genitalia of both sexes. Then, when the androgynous, dually-sexed person was placed in the garden, s/he was divided in two. Beware of the use of the word "Ancient Christian" when people who take this position on the Scriptures it is usually referring to Gnosticism which is not Christian. The Epistles, Gospels and the Old Testament never speak of androgyny. If anything there is a distinction made between the roles of the man and woman. Once again when we speak of Jewish Scripture it can always be thrown into question as the Rabbis always debate what they think happened in the text rather than what it actually says. In Judaism it seems that there is a lot of looking at what is behind the text rather than accepting what the text has to say. The first five books of Scripture say what they say and should be accepted for what they are God's Word and not be subject to Rabbinical Wanderings and myth. According to this account, the man “clings to the woman” in an attempt to regain half his flesh, which God took from him once he was placed in Eden. As third century Rabbi Samuel bar Nahman explained, when God created the first man, God created him with two faces. “Then he split the androgyne and made two bodies, one on each side, and turned them about. Again more Jewish mysticism and mental meanderings about what happened. I am not a Jew and therefore do not read the Scriptures like one I am a Christian and therefore I see Christ throughout the Scriptures Old and New Testament. Making assumptions about what happened do not strengthen faith and also are attempting to say what is not rather than stick to what is revealed. If it is not in the Scriptures it is not Scriptural. I am going to continue this post later on as much of what Ms. Knust says is wrong. But this post on her blog is incredibly large and I think I may have played Midnight Caller a little to long. So for those of you who may read this enjoy!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Some thoughts on Christopher Hitchens.

Thanks for all of the prayers! God is Great!  Doh! I mean Not Great!

 A pastor I had once said to someone Jesus Christ died for your sins believe it! On another occasion the same pastor said Jesus died for your sins if you don't believe that I feel sorry for you! Well that is the pity that I feel for Christopher Hitchens as I imagine his brother a Christian does too.

 Just over a year ago Hitchens likened God The Father to dictator Kim Jong Il. I certainly do not consider this a good likeness or description of our Father. I want to ask the question if he really understands what God gave for him to live? However, I am sure he does not care. This is very much to his misfortune as he is looking towards the imminent death which will not bring him peace as he willingly rejects the love of God in Christ. Hell is not a great place to be it is sad that he does not realise he only has himself to blame as he chose to go there.

 In his constant diatribes, he likens Christianity to all the false religions of the world. In essence, Hitchens is just irreligious and believes all religions to be false, manmade and and harmful. Hitchens, actually agrees with the Marxists he is in opposition to by stating the same resounding theme in different words that religions are "the opiate of the masses".

 Religion is harmful when heresy and sin is involved. Many sins have occurred as result of sins and false teaching. In Christianity we can consider the Inquisition a great blight on the history of the church. Today Christianity has its share of financial, doctrinal, sexual, and violent sins in the churches that call themselves Christian and this includes Lutheranism. But the sins of the individuals who are fallible human beings does not make the teachings of Christ harmful or evil. On the contrary, Christ is all about life even for unbleievers like himself we will refer to John 3:16-18. I think all including Hitchens who has expressed appreciation for prayers by Christians will agree it is a good thing to love thy neighbor.We often don't do this yet God still loves us with our sins. This also includes Hitchens! Again this is very sad. But he has chosen it.

 So in conclusion God is merciful,compassionate, longsuffering, gentle, and easy to be entreated and meek and lowly in heart. So saith Christ. This is a far cry from a guy who puts his face everywhere and has female slaves at his disposal called the "Joy Brigade". For all of his glowing intellect he has missed the boat on this one and possibly lost his life eternally. I say possibly because there is always hope

                                           In his younger years. By the way he and Hitchens have something in common!
                                           I am not telling what that is :)!

Sunday, February 13, 2011

What are you doing to become a better person? Absolutely nothing!

What are you doing about becoming a better person? Absolutely Nothing!

NO! I am not! Lord have Mercy on Me!

As I was driving the other day I was thinking about this. What was I doing to be a better person? The answer is absolutely nothing. If I had to depend on me doing something that would make me a great guy or that could somehow increase my standing before God ; then I could do these things or this thing and I would be making the grade and my salvation would just happen. Why? because I did X, Y, and Z. Or if I could just thank God enough like the people in the above picture aren't doing, would I be good enough. Would my walk be acceptable?


 But then I take a moment and think wait a minute. I gave someone the bird, I run others down, hate my neighbor, and fail in countless ways. Guess what X,Y,and Z didn't work and what Joel Osteen told me to do didn't work either. Frankly, I'm having my worst life instead of my best life that Joel told me I would have.

 No it is the evil that keeps coming my way. There is no so called victory of my own. But , my redemption is complete in Christ and it is He who works the good through the faith of those who believe in Him. So guess what His holiness becomes my holiness solely earned by Christ with you and me as the recipient.

 Imagine if you had to pray so many times a day for salvation, would really want to? I know there are other things I would rather be doing and I will bet you that some of that stuff is sin whether in thought, word or deed. I will say this when I do pray, go to mass,( yes Lutherans have mass)So I have already failed to become a better person because I didn't pray so many times today or I am eating a food that frankly God made for me to enjoy. Do you see how ridiculous this forced behavior is? All of the things I should be doing i do not do. Why? Because of myself I don't want to. But God makes all of this possible through Jesus His Dear Son, our Savior, and righteousness.


 What  I want to say is that anything that is good that I do is not because of my efforts but rather because Christ makes it possible. As a sinner who still sins I still grow in grace because the Holy Ghost works in me this is called "Sanctification". 

Lutheran Dogmatician Hollas would put it this way," Good works are free acts of justified persons, performed through the renewing grace of the Holy Spirit  according to the prescription of the divine Law, true faith in Christ preceding , to the honor of God and the edification of men.

 If the Dogmatician is not sufficient we go to the next one in line and that is from Patristics, Ambrose of Milan who says," Faith  is the mother of a good will and right doing". I guess that throws your decision for Christ out the window because you do not desire to do good as you are a sinner like me.

The Apostle Paul says that all have fallen short of the glory of God in Romans 3:23.

Jesus says that unless your righteousness surpasses that of the Scribes and Pharisees you will not enter the Kingdom of  Heaven. Matthew 5:20. Mine does not and yours does not either.

So the next time you go to church and someone asks you how your walk is going? Respond by saying the same as yours , lousy !Then walk out and find a church that preaches the Word and Distributes the True Sacraments.

Saturday, February 05, 2011

Lutheran Faith and Action

My hope is built on nothing less than Jesus' blood and righteous.
I do not trust the sweetest frame but wholly lean on Jesus' name
On Christ the solid rock I stand
All other ground is sinking sand.
The Lutheran Hymnal 1941 P.370

So is it just a matter of faith and nothing more and just go on living for the day?

We are justified by faith and that faith does not give us a license to sin. However, we sin daily several times and receive forgiveness in Christ for having done so. I think that many who pass by this blod know this . It is purely out of God's grace we are forgiven at all. It is also Christians who are the only ones forgiven

 The question here is do Lutherans do anything to cultivate their faith? Is it all Scripture? Yes, it is Scripture and there are devotional practices one can do to deepen  faith and piety. Notice I did not say that you become pious. Sanctification or being pious is never completed in this life. But daily practices of piety and devotion are even experienced in the life of the Lutheran and do cultivate faith and piety. It is not just a Romish or Orthodox thing and it is not evangelical driving for purpose and running out of gas.

 Among the things that I practice and not legalistically  but rather joyfully are the evening and morning suffrages found in the hymnal. I use the Lutheran Hymnal of 1941. I also make use of the Sacred Meditations by Johann Gerhard and other resources such as the website known as Lex Orandi that has various prayers and collects that can be used for devotional purposes.

 So for those of you that are unfamiliar with the deeper spirituality of Lutheranism .Welcome ! Enjoy the links to Sacred Meditations and Lex Orandi.

Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The Evangelical Void.

I am sure there are those who may read this blog that will take umbrage with this issue. My use of the Word "Evangelical" in this case is not directed to one group alone. There are many including  those of my former synod the WELS who are now experiencing this void. The technical void for this term is Gospel Reductionism. Gospel Reductionism seeks to minimize everything which Christ has done for the church by minimizing Scriptural or Doctrinal Truths. These types of groups are now begining to trust in other things than God's Word/Sacrament . These new scams are different and more dangerous than the Scams of Before . 

 The wonderful gifts of Scriptural and Doctrinal Truths are replaced by man centered worship services, series moralistic or motivational preaching, or just plain do what feels good because Jesus loves you anyway and will accept you and your sins repentance free. Also feel free to embrace pagan spirituality and add it to your already jeopradized Christian faith.

The Church is the place where the Gospel is Preached and the Sacraments are administered rightly.
From Luther's Small Catecism

. I think it is for those who are derelict in faith to follow this example and trash can the moralism and man centeredness and return to the Liturgy,Scripture, and Confession. Man at the center always fails as he is in conflict with God.
The Blog post from What Sasse Said does great justice to the problem of churches pursuing worldly gain and forsaking God's Word. Enjoy!

Saturday, January 29, 2011

The Gift of Sola Scriptura. More Relevant Luther as he Echos Christ.

John 10:35 If he called them gods unto whom the Word of God came and the Scripture cannot be broken. This is the Word of The Lord!

These words came from Christs mouth to not know Scripture as Word of God but submit it to rationalism is a sin and loss to the believer.The Bible when it is looked at as only law and absent of Gospel destroys the faith in Christ. Discourage those who call on Christ's name because there is no gospel that is preached.  The Scripture is the source of all knowledge for Godliness and goodnes saith the apostle 2 Peter 1-3. This is sufficient for the believer. Our Lord also speaks of rules that are taught by men making God's Word of no effect Mark 7:13. Not all tradition is bad however, but tradition should be substantiated by Scripture or it is just one taught by men and not God.

Luther states this well here," There is no Christian faith which is not based on the Word of God and  the Word of God we find in the Scriptures, and in the Scriptures only . The Fathers can err. Traditions are human. Whether they convey to me the truth. I cannot know unless I see that their content is confirmed by the Scriptures.

 I was speaking with a friend of mine the other day and he is involved in the typical run of the mill "McChurch that have given the Church in America and elsewhere a black eye. This is because they are not really sure of what they believe and take Scripture out of context. Often times instead of letting the Scriptures interpret thmeselves they read into them. Thus there is Scripture alone that is violated by poor exegesis.

On the otherhand, there are those who say that Scripture needs to be interpreted for them by prelates,popes,bishops etc. These people in these positions have invented all sorts of clever ceremony and things that must be done to work your way to righteousness. In some cases those who belong to these congregations of the Christian faith have been required to submit to the officials who very well could be preaching something contrary to Christian Doctrine ( i.e.  Papal Submission and Indulgences). But for those who want to follow traditions alone and the words of someone like Martin Luther are not good enough or insufficient. I will include a statement from St Epiphanius and St.Augustine:

We can tell the solution of any question not through our own reasonings but from what follows from the Scriptures.
What more can I teach you, than what we read in the Apostle? For Holy Scripture sets a rule to our teaching, that we dare not “be wise more than it behooves to be wise,” but be wise, as he says, “unto soberness, according as unto each God has allotted the measure of faith.”

(Panarion 65, as quoted in Examination of the Council of Trent I, p. 153)

In essence what the Church Fathers are saying is that it is not feeling or reasons of the individual that are reliable but the Scriptures. Also it is not traditions that validate the Scriptures but rather the Scripture that serves as the validation for any tradition. If none of these things are inScripture how can we believe it? In this case, and in many others St. Epiphanius and St. Augustine are correct an like all of the Fathers are human and can error.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Beatification of John Paul II

 We are all saints! The faith was once and for all delivered to the saints. Paul is not referring to the so called beatified who were sinners such like us. In the case of those who call on Christ although we are sinners we are also saints because of our Savior's blood. Guess what I was not beatified by the papacy and like John Paul II who allowed pedophiles and rapists to thrive under his so called "sheperding" I am not sinless. Enough on this it so easy to concentrate on the negative. What is the real issue with beatification well the Augsburg Confession puts it this way." Concerning the cult of the saints they teach that saints may be remembered in order that we imitate their faith and good works, according to our calling . Thus the emperor can imitate  the example of David in waging war to drive the Turks from our native land. For both of them are kings . However, Scripture does not teach calling on the saints or pleading with them for help from them. For it sets before us Christ alone as mediator , atoning sacrafice , high priest , and intercessor. He is also to be called upon, and he has promised thatour prayers will be heard. Furthermore, he strongly approves this worship most of all namely , that he be called upon in all afflictions( 1 John 2:1) But if anyone does sin we have an advocate with the Father.

All things are ours in Christ!


Saturday, January 08, 2011

What's Wrong With This Position IV. The Reason for my posting on the Emergent Theologians.

 I suppose some who come by this blog wonder where I am really coming from and why I have made this my first post. Well the emergent phenomenon is not happening at my church and God willing it won't. But it has happened in the LCMS with Leonard Sweet coming to LCMS symposiums and events. Much of what Mr. Sweet , Mr. Williard and others do is through the use of language reduce the effectiveness of the Gospel and appeal strictly to works based righteousness. These folk also diminish the truth about Jesus Christ and his true saving power. What is most sad are those people who actually think they are escaping the Vatican and discovering something deeper. What these people don't realise is they are joining Rome in errors by endorsing Lectio Divina, CSM( Contemplative Spiritual Mysticism) and other things. The emergent conversation believes all is negotiable so in the end we have despair or seek to become our own god. These folk are guilty of neglecting the office of the pastorate by refusing to condemn sin and doubting God's Word and questioning it. Notice the small "g" you are not God even if you think you are. I think back to the First Commandment, You shall have no other Gods. What does it mean to have no other Gods. It means that we should fear love and trust God above all things. This according to Luther's Small Catechism. Or Matthew 5:19 Anyone who breaks the least of these commandments and teaches others to do the same will be called least in the Kingdom of Heaven. So to conclude this introduction my reason to the lies of this movement and it's theologians is a labor of love and concern for not only those of the LCMS but also Christians of other bodies.

 "They believe there is a God and they need to check in with him. But they don't have any sense that he is an active agent in their lives. As a result, they don't become disciples of Jesus. They consume his merits and the services of the church. … Discipleship is no essential part of Christianity today.

 The essential part of Christianity is not discipleship it is the death and resurrection of Christ for your sins. Christ is for us and does desire us to consume his merits and commands us for our own good as well. We only need to go to the Book of Matthew at the last supper he says,in Matthew 26:26-27 Take eat this is my body, verse 27 Then he took the cup gave thanks and offered it to them and said Drink from it all of you this is my blood which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.  He also tells us to do this in rememberance of me in Luke 22:19 .The desire to perform any sort of good work is from God working through us. Faith produces fruit. Apart from Christ we produce no good fruit. The fruits come from faith not from some perceived other action called "Discipleship" merely going to church, hearing God's Word and partaking of the Sacrament ,reading my Bible, and the sharing of my faith  when the opportunities arrive; is my vocation as a Christian or what some might call discipleship. Discipleship, should not be a forced exercise for the bretheren to perform and made a burden. The burden was already assumed by Christ and therefore should be a joy for us. To tell people about Christ is not a chore and not an exercise for us to do and be acceptable to God. We are made acceptable through Christ's precious blood and live a life of thanks because of it.  I think "Discipleship" is being used in this context as Works Based activities and smacks a little bit of works based righteousness. The part that is really annoying is the legalism .That as pastor he is judging the faith and life of those he serves based on what he sees when congregants come to church and hear God's Word. Pastor's know that there are definitely times where they don't see results in their preaching but it does not mean that there are not results for what is said on Sunday morning. I have always been told that we cannot judge our fellow man's heart and definitely cannot tell their measure of faith. But to say that I have to practice a "Discipleship Program" to be an acceptable Christian is ridiculous. If one does not see another's "good works"( Works that are done by God through the believer and with fear of God) does not mean that they do not exist. It is rather unfair to judge the faith of parishoners because one does not see them working in a soup kitchen or belonging to a supposed ministry( a term used liberally in non denominational circles.) and unpastorly to think that your parishoners are not living lives of faith and service. Is this about the pastor or those he serves? It isn't supposed to be about the pastor but those he serves. If those who come to hear the Word and Receive the Sacrament come on Sundays then the pastor is doing his job and should not second guess his parishoners living out lives of faith and service. Certainly there are some who don't live lives of faith and service, but the loss of some is not the loss of Christian Vocation for others.

Thursday, January 06, 2011

Whats wrong with this position III?

 The discussion of the 2006 article The Divine Conspirator continues. We find out the type of reasoning being used by emergents to undermine the Christian Faith and transform it into a world of Christian Liberalism absent Christ.

Talbot School of Theology distinguished professor of philosophy J. P. Moreland says that three of Talbot's five philosophy professors were Willard's students. He says Willard models the integration of philosophy, the life of the spirit, and mature discipleship, and that they are attempting to emulate his approach at Talbot.

All of the more reason to question what the evangelical movement is now pushing. Since the "McChurch" is no longer the bastion of Christianity that it once was. This would of course be the bastion according to "Secular America". To be honest I want to know how superogative Good Works and a Law without Gospel is Good News. This is what the emergents are pushing and it is gradually invading denominational and non denominational Christianity. Instead of worrying about things like numbers perhaps we should worry about doctrine. I have heard that Moreland is an outstanding defender of the faith but it is a little disturbing for a Christian institution such as Talbot and moreland himself thinking what Willard is doing is good. After all Willard made a statement that does not assure that Jesus Christ saved us by his death.

He says he recognized that "even though we want to say salvation is by grace and that anyone can be saved, behaving in certain ways simply is inconsistent with having eternal life."

 Is that so? Apparently he forgot about Romans 7:14-25 and this is from the Apostle Paul.V.14. For we know that the Law is spiritual; but I am carnal, sold under sin. V.15. For that which I do I allow not; for what I would, that do I not; but what I hate, that do I. V.16. if, then, I do that which I would not, I consent unto the Law that it is good. V.17. Now, then, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. .18. For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing; for to will is present with me, but how to perform that which is good I find not. V.19. For the good that I would I do not; but the evil which I would not, that I do. V.20. Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. V.21. I find, then, a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me. V.22. For I delight in the Law of God after the inward man; v.23. but I see another law in my members, warring against the Law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members. V.24. O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? V.25. I thank God through Jesus Christ, our Lord So, then, with the mind I myself serve the Law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin.
Mr. Willard, I would like to ask you if Paul who admits being sinful did not inherit the eternal life promised? He definitely did! I cannot tell you how many times I daily perform and live according to God's Law and that is why I need the saving death of Jesus Christ for my sins and to trust in Him for that forgiveness. If Willard does not think that Christ was sufficient for his sins then he is damned.

 Lets add a little Luther from theses 25 of the Disputation Against the Scholastics. Man is by nature unable to want God to be God. Indeed he himself wants to be God, and does not want God to be God.

How about a little Gospel Encouragement also from Luther. Theses 84 from Disputation Against the Scholastics. The good law and that in which one lives is the love of God spread abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit.
Willard recalls giving his Baptist Sunday school teachers a "very bad time" as a young teenager. He didn't think it made sense that you "got saved" and were "stuck with it."
 He does not understand that you can commit apostasy. As a matter of fact, he already has come close in previous statements. It is not once saved always saved. Faith must be grown.

Willard's influence has sometimes led to radical changes at churches. Oak Hills Church in Folsom, California, was running along smoothly according to the Willow Creek model throughout the 1990s. Senior pastor Kent Carlson says that after a period of rapid growth, the church leadership finally had "time to think." The leaders read a book that essentially said consumerism was a mainstay of American culture, so if the church couldn't beat the culture, it might as well join it. Carlson says, "This was a distasteful concept to us." At the same time, senior co-pastor Mike Lueken was taking a course taught by Willard at Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California.

 So the growth of this church was really what their church was all about. It was kind of like a Macy's Marketing Strategy and the next gimmick. They had fears that the church ewas no longer going to grow so instead of truly rethinking by trashing the Willow Creek concept and going to Scripture and Confession. We get one step closer to associating with heretical teachings. Not that Bill Hybels does not have issues he definitely does . I believe the Apostle Paul said something about not being taken captive by hollow and deceptive philosophy that is dependent on the principles of men rather than on Christ. Colossians 2:8 states,
Beware lest any man spoil you through false and vain deceit after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world,  and not after Christ. I believe Jesus puts it best in Matthew 4:4 Man does not live on bread alone but every word that proceedeth from the mouth of God. This is why these current churches are not appealing to anyone because many see what they actually are empty shells without any "transendence".
I will continue with part IV.

Monday, January 03, 2011

What's Wrong With This Position Part II

A consequence of Willard's academic honesty is his unwillingness to state who's in and who's out spiritually, which bothers critics who worry that he is a universalist. He says he doesn't believe anyone will be saved except by Jesus, but he adds, "How that works out, probably no one knows."

Let's see Dallas Willard does not know how anyone will be saved or "how that works out". But, he only believes that people will be saved by Jesus. He is either to much or to little of the philosopher he is supposed to be. He might as well be saying that Jesus paid for everyones sins but his death may not be sufficient to save anybody; therefore we can't trust Jesus when he says in John 6:44 No man can come to me , except which the Father hath sent me draw him an I will raise him up at the last day. KJV. My question is how can one trust false prophets? My only guess is this is what itchy ears want to hear or the continuing Biblical Illiteracy continues. I will wager it is both.

He teeters on the edge of openness theology, saying God can choose not to know the future if he wants to, but he doesn't go as far as many openness adherents, whose views he believes "slip into process theology."

This is another problem. Unless, I'm mistaken God is unchanging and has given us a future that he has revealed in Jesus. God reveals the coming of his Son in Genesis 3:15 and the prophecy is fulfilled in Matthew 1:18. We do not know all things about God but the things that we need to know he has revealed to us in the Scriptures. Since God has not revealed all things about himself it is wrong to make assumptions out of a man's thoughts as those assumptions would be telling falsehoods about God as man does not know what he is talking about. What we need to know God and salvation through Christ are located in one place the Bible. This is the beauty of Scripture Alone; the very principle "emergents" are trying to destroy.

Do you believe Jesus can come up to you and listen to you?" He had been wondering about this ever since Willard told him that it was indeed possible. Moreland assured him that, in his own unique way, Willard had spoken the truth. The student later gave his life to Christ.

Jesus hears the prayer of the righteous and draws those outside Him to Him if they are willing to refrain from rejecting the truth. I wonder what the student's real question was that Moreland gave him such an emotions based answer. I hope that the student does not suddenly get disappointed if he suddenly begins to ask Christ to name it and Claim it for him. I think a more upfront and honest answer could have been given to the young man. By the way, we do not give our lives to Christ see John 6:44 again. With God I hope that this guy continues in the faith and distances himself from Willard's false teaching and enthusiasm. Jesus will come up to me and listen to me one day at His Glorious Return on the Judgment Seat. But the last I heard that the Lord hears the prayers of the righteous and allows rain to fall on both the righteous and unrighteous.

More Later!

Saturday, January 01, 2011

What is wrong with this position?

Happy New Year ! I think there is no better way than to begin the year than with a post on the spiritual formation movement. So Dallas Willard is a great place to start. Much of what Willard and the gang are propogating is reducing the effectiveness of the Gospel and not acting accordingly as pastors because they are telling souls to trust in their own sins. This post and the next few are directed at an older article on Christianity Today from 2006. The title is A Divine Conspirator Dallas Willard is on a quiet quest to subvert nominal Christianity. Early on the article is when things start to get disturbing and make us think that it is no wonder Christianity is teetering. The Christian Church will always be threatened and will not fall but damage being done by this false teacher and others is troubling.

The article speaks of how Willard as a young man was concerned that he was abysmally ignorant of God and the soul. He then decides to study philosophy because he believed that the philosophers were trying to answer the same questions. So what problems do we have here?

Well a reliance on philosophers to answer supernatural questions is a gross error. 1 Corinthians 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them. Because they are spiritually discerned. KJV
When we want to learn more from God we go to his Word. We do not consult Kierkegaard,Hegel, and certainly not Neitzche.I am not sure if I spelled it right I will look it up later.

Second his reliance on philosophers for the answering of this question can do nothing more than destroy faith because of dependence on such philosophies. The apostle again tells us in Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after rudiments of the world, and not after Christ. KJV

This way of looking at the Christian faith humanizes and diminishes what the Christian faith is all about. I will continue in the next post.