Tuesday, February 01, 2011

The Evangelical Void.

I am sure there are those who may read this blog that will take umbrage with this issue. My use of the Word "Evangelical" in this case is not directed to one group alone. There are many including  those of my former synod the WELS who are now experiencing this void. The technical void for this term is Gospel Reductionism. Gospel Reductionism seeks to minimize everything which Christ has done for the church by minimizing Scriptural or Doctrinal Truths. These types of groups are now begining to trust in other things than God's Word/Sacrament . These new scams are different and more dangerous than the Scams of Before . 

 The wonderful gifts of Scriptural and Doctrinal Truths are replaced by man centered worship services, series moralistic or motivational preaching, or just plain do what feels good because Jesus loves you anyway and will accept you and your sins repentance free. Also feel free to embrace pagan spirituality and add it to your already jeopradized Christian faith.

The Church is the place where the Gospel is Preached and the Sacraments are administered rightly.
From Luther's Small Catecism

. I think it is for those who are derelict in faith to follow this example and trash can the moralism and man centeredness and return to the Liturgy,Scripture, and Confession. Man at the center always fails as he is in conflict with God.
The Blog post from What Sasse Said does great justice to the problem of churches pursuing worldly gain and forsaking God's Word. Enjoy!


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