Beatification of John Paul II
We are all saints! The faith was once and for all delivered to the saints. Paul is not referring to the so called beatified who were sinners such like us. In the case of those who call on Christ although we are sinners we are also saints because of our Savior's blood. Guess what I was not beatified by the papacy and like John Paul II who allowed pedophiles and rapists to thrive under his so called "sheperding" I am not sinless. Enough on this it so easy to concentrate on the negative. What is the real issue with beatification well the Augsburg Confession puts it this way." Concerning the cult of the saints they teach that saints may be remembered in order that we imitate their faith and good works, according to our calling . Thus the emperor can imitate the example of David in waging war to drive the Turks from our native land. For both of them are kings . However, Scripture does not teach calling on the saints or pleading with them for help from them. For it sets before us Christ alone as mediator , atoning sacrafice , high priest , and intercessor. He is also to be called upon, and he has promised thatour prayers will be heard. Furthermore, he strongly approves this worship most of all namely , that he be called upon in all afflictions( 1 John 2:1) But if anyone does sin we have an advocate with the Father.
All things are ours in Christ!
It's "est", not "es". (Unless you meant "et").
Tell me more happy to continue the there is of course more to this post. However, it was a quick one in the interest of time. Would be happy to continue the discussion more in depth I went to your blog as well and found it rather unique in humor and the way you presented content.
The title of your blog: I said it should probably read "Crux esT Nostra Theologia". [The Cross IS our Theology]. As it stands now it reads "The Cross ARE our Theology".
Yes, you are quite correct. My fingers got to walking too quickly.Perhaps I need glasses.Thanks for the correction!
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