Sunday, June 23, 2013

Body of small baby found in sewage tank: police say likely flushed down toilet

 China is not the only place that this sort of tragedy is happening. It is happening in Canada and our neighbor to the North and is likely happening right here in the United States. It is reported that Planned
Parenthood tells young expectant  mothers to go and flush their children down the toilet if something comes out. An undercover video by Live Action uncovered a Planned Parenthood employee at Dr. Emily’s Women’s Health Center in the Bronx telling the undercover investigator,"“If it comes out, then it comes out. Flush it if anything, you know, put it in a bag or something or somewhere and bring it to us.” I also would find it unfair if I did not mention the abortionists the convicted murderer Gosnell and another abortionist Pfeffinger who left babies to die wriggling in the toilet

The only reason I think Planned Parenthood would want the fetus after it was born is to do whatever nefarious research they may desire to do with the dead fetus and if the child is not dead perhaps allow another Gosnell incident or enabling  of such behavior to take place.

Abortion, is not a humane medical procedure that is meant to improve anyone's quality of life as it does not promote life and often those that are affected by it are changed forever. If we are a society that says we believe in life then we should promote life and not the destruction of it and further promote a society of   "Shell Persons" who feel no responsibility for their actions.

 If we do not stand for the life of the unborn, why should any life be stood for.?We need look no farther than eugenics and euthanasia which do not stand for life but  support death for those already out of the womb while they may be able to continue to live. People can be deceived into believing that life is not worth living and the government can be right there helping them make that decision. Governments then justify that decision by saying it reduces health care costs and helps the person help society, this is already happening around the world and reduces the value of each person made in God's Image into just a number of many.

Body of small baby found in sewage tank: police say likely flushed down toilet

Tuesday, June 04, 2013

The 1st Amendment continues to be attacked.

 If you are Christian you can receive all of the attacks that come your way without any protection and if you criticize Islam in any way or have any antipathy towards terrorism that is committed by an unknown amount of people within their community you are using hate speech. Last I looked I still had a freedom to speak my mind according to the 1st amendment and with that right I will also say not all Muslims are terrorists and it would be foolish to say that they are. Once again we have another person in the Mikey Weinstein mold attacking the right to not only religious, but civil free speech.

Accept the fact that there are morons who you disagree with (Communists, Westboro Baptists etc.) but in no way do you have to listen to them and Muslims do not have to listen to anyone they disagree with either. they also have the right to personal defense if they are threatened like every other person in our country.

The other problem I have is, are my Christian beliefs considered hate speech and threatening to Muslims?  Does my attempt at dialog with them become a threat and indicate a red flag that I might decide to do them harm by telling them Jesus loves them;and that there is no such thing as Shirk ( The Muslim doctrine that states the Trinity is blasphemous and punishable by death.)? If this is the case then we are being treated unjustly because of our religious beliefs, this is antithetical to the Constitution..

Some seem to forget that 9/11 was done by people who hate our way of life and Christian beliefs ( perhaps this is why the government is for this type of bad law). This most recently came to a head again in Boston. Not all Muslims can be labeled with the fanatics who advocate murder and submission in the name of their false god .People should be judged by their actions as Christians we look to Jesus and see selfless love , grace , and redemption for his people ( this would leave the agnostic Timothy Mcveigh, Terry Nichols, and the Sikh Temple Murderer who by their actions and beliefs were not Christian. The author needs to get his facts straight that the aforementioned offenders were and are as irreligious as he is.). In the Muslim world their are some good things and devout and kind Muslim People and like all other parts of the world a history of blood, war, and pillage.

As Christians we should condemn the actions of those who would murder and destroy with reckless abandon especially those who claim that they are with us when they are actually against us.As Christians we should also continue to speak of God. I am sure that there are some in the Islamic community who would agree and not want to lose their 1st amendment rights either. A continuing loss of religious freedom and rights are the end result to all of this.

Saturday, June 01, 2013

Society goes on while the infanticide continues.

I thought that when one goes to the doctor they were supposed to "First do no harm". This is not the case of abortionists who always do harm by the murder they commit. It always amazes me how people who commit infanticide can be called "Doctors" as if the service they were offering is some sort of healing.

Abortion is murder, and the type Kermit Gosnell performed are likely not the only ones performed. Just a little while ago , There was one Dr. who performed at least 1200 abortions and now wants to see them banned and some of the ones he performed he stated were over 20 weeks.

The article below is brutal , disturbing, upsetting and inhumane. If the practices that this individual is engaged in are true. this  is only a picture of the current infanticide that many want to allow in our culture ( look in Washington D.C and California  legislatures and the pro abortion stances of some politicians ). If what is happening to the defenseless young does not bother you check to see if you are still alive.

Thursday, May 02, 2013

Acquit Gosnell?

 Great point made by Kristen Hatten. Ms. Hatten states that this is what has happened since abortion was allowed by the Supreme Court due to judicial fiat by the justices. The very existence of this malevolent and savage practice of infanticide called "abortion" has led to this result and it begs the question how many more so called Drs. practice state permitted infanticide at late term . There are without doubt definitely more as there is proof via the website linked to below. Do states really have the grounds to convict Mr. Gosnell ( He is not fit to be a doctor as his actions do plenty of harm and are akin to Menegele).

Ms. Hatten makes an interesting observation that Mr. Gosnell should be acquitted yet disgraced everyday of his life and attention should be brought to his actions and to the actions of those who do not perform late term abortions and the rest of them who perform the procedure late term.

I wonder what they are going to do about the person who does this savagery in D.C., will they investigate likely not as Gosnell did it for 30 years?

Miltary Chaplaincy and the current issue of their service

The  Constitution of the United States guarantees the practice of Free Speech and Religion and if you are not interested in either of these things you can also decide not to participate in either action by your silence.

Currently, in the military there is a regulation against what might be considered" hard core Witnessing". I am not against the promotion of one's faith and I also do not approve of coercion being used to demagogue others to my beliefs and in a military setting coercion should be discouraged. It is also fine if two different people of differing faiths talk of faith by mutual consent and this should not be restricted.

I do not agree with Mr.. Weinstein's assertion that ,"Hearing the Gospel of Jesus Christ is akin to spiritual rape and treason and that it is unconstitutional." The Gospel is not harmful and can be ignored and should in no way be used as a tool of coercion by chaplains. But the Gospel should not be shut off from discussion from those who desire to hear,discuss it and be served by the chaplains. This even goes for the other faiths who should be allowed free practice and speech as well. In America, we are told that we are many people of differing faiths and opinions and it is at least my belief that we should tolerate differing beliefs and not necessarily agree with them if we disagree. Toleration meaning not union but knowing of their existence and not begrudging them for existing, yet disagreeing on articles of faith.

I am not currently a member of the Wisconsin Evangelical Lutheran Synod , but perhaps this is the reason they do not have military chaplains.

Below are a couple of articles on the viewpoints of the Chaplain of the Senate and Breitbart whose views are divergent from one another.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Prayers For Boston

It is a very sorrowful time in history and the scourge of terrorism has come to visit us again. I urge all of us to keep Boston, it's citizens, and the injured and maimed in our prayers. May our gracious Lord Jesus keep them safe, may His Spirit be upon them and grant them peace during this very difficult time.

Blessed are those who mourn for they will be comforted. Matthew 5:4

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Barbarism. Only those who know the truth can see it.

 The author of this site is a Christian and does not ascribe to the beliefs of Buddhism or desire in ecumenical compromise with those who are Non Christian or atheist. This does not count cooperation in civil works which benefit society as a whole and are not religious or breaking my faith.

The world is full of violence and each day it is affecting the lives of our fellow human beings and indirectly those of us who hear the sad tidings of the death of another person who was in a place at the wrong time because of a group of barbarous people who took their life.

Islam is not a religion no matter what the Muslim tries to tell you it is a mean system for one's life and total control by a group who can arbitrarily decide that the food you are eating is worth punishment or if you are questioning the validity of its edicts or beliefs you are worthy of death no matter how wrong the group is. Unfortunately, someone was brutally murdered by a fiendish mob of barbarians who claim to be a religion of peace but manage to leave trails of bodies wherever they go and usually on a daily basis.

I am not a Buddhist as I mentioned before. I consider what the Buddhist's teach to be false as well. However, they are human beings and our neighbors like the Muslims and do not deserved to be murdered( a Buddhist Monk) by a group of neighbors (Muslims) hell bent on subjugating everyone who does not agree with them (no wonder the liberals like them so much, they use the same  verbal, media,political tactics against patriotic Americans who don't agree with their B.S.agenda) Not to mention that the liberal is the first to wet his pants when it comes to confronting barbarians at the gates. Still want to extend your hand to the barbarian, Mr. President?

I don't want to shake hands with people who advocate murder or refuse to speak out against murderers. I know my opinion is a blogger's opinion but I condemn these actions in the links below as a violation of human rights and an invasion of personal liberty by a faction that cannot claim it is a religion of peace.

Saturday, April 13, 2013

Defense of Life

Does the taking away of a person's right to defend themselves from harm deny them the right and defense of life? Yes, it does. if a person is left without the means to defend themselves adequately against an intruder or criminal they are at a disadvantage. This could happen due to laws that were passed in various states who have decided to endanger their citizens by restraining them from leveling the playing field and being able to prolong their life by the evening of the odds.The criminal has the advantage because of the states ill fated beliefs that all variables can be controlled if they can just control the means of personal defense. Criminals don't care if they use automatic weapons or 30 round magazines.

 Our legislators continue their assault on life by allowing an abortion Dr. to commit infanticide for many years. If it would not have been for the conscience of one person these murders of children would have continued and who knows how many other butchers like this are practicing infanticide. These births were live and even if they were not brought to term, abortion is still murder.

This is what happens when a society turns its back on God and worship the god of the state who cannot save and leaves the masses weighed down and wanting for services it does not want to provide for and cannot provide for. The state only seeks to control and does not want the population to want or have more than they want to give or to know good and evil apart from what they tell them it is. If people were to understand the state for what the state does then they would not want to tolerate its lack of ethics, compassion, and common sense. Which is exhibited in the cases written above.


Tuesday, February 05, 2013

The Mercy of God

I don't go to church to hear about healing my hurts and I cry Lord Have Mercy often. I go to hear  Christ took my sins away and redeemed me from death and devil and to partake of the Sacrament. The penalty for my sin without Christ would be  far greater pain than being forlorn of a woman or not living "the abundant life". I think the point that is missed with abundant life types is Christ dying for your sins and having the Gift of  Eternal life and life with him now this is the abundant life, because it lasts forever in faith which alone justifies,  through him we have peace with God  a far greater gift than rubies. Romans 5:1 Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ. This is wonderful but yet is taken as given when it is something we can and should cherish every day. Grace and Mercy came at a big price Christ's life yet it is so free and given freely to those of us who ask and unfortunately too cheap for many, that is the sad part.

The  life we have now is not guaranteed to be easy and is often not worldly abundant.Consider our Lord's life here wasn't easy and if we look further it was not a cake walk for the Apostles either. There are many occasions in our lives where we may have to suffer as well. Doesn't sound too abundant does it. But Our Lord says in the Gospel of John 10:10 I came that they may have life and have it abundantly. He came so that we could have life abundantly not to give us material things as some sort of reward for living the Christian life. This abundance is also in the midst of suffering as he is Gracious. Paul calls it letting Christ's power rest on him    2 Corinthians 12: 9-10 But he said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore I will boast all the more gladly of my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 For the sake of Christ, then, I am content with weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and calamities. For when I am weak, then I am strong. If you look and see he makes it even in suffering because Christ provided him what he needed and it was not worldly abundance.

 Believing in Jesus does not guarantee you a trophy wife or husband, a Ferrari, or someone else's version of the abundant life. No it is life eternal and abundant with him because of God's Grace and Mercy, Christ's Atonement, and the gift of the Holy Ghost who strengthens and creates faith. This is the Mercy of God and His Good News which is often what abundant lifers want to hear, when they wake up from Joel Osteen and his deceptions.

Living abundantly in Christ is not about living aloha. Those wordly things  the prosperity pimps are pushing are stumbling blocks and distractions and are not always there. Where does the person who breaks over and over again after listening to another Christless Self Help Sermon go? Hopefully to Christ . But since we are sheep until we finally learn that the preaching isn't helping because there is no mercy dispensed only failures that we could not live up to anyway, we will usually keep coming back for more to dos.

 So if your abundant life is running out go to Christ and ask for his abundance and not the abundance of the world which is fleeting.

Sunday, February 03, 2013


Something I experienced in the past and to me is akin to a humiliating "Altar Call". A few years ago I was going to a church ( A WELS Church actually, so far my church now has not done this) and that is to make a financial pledge for the beautification of the Lord's Church( in other words the one I was going to). Well I gave an offering that is consistent with my income what happened to that money? The money I was giving was not the gift that they were looking for.They wanted me to put my money in the plate up at the altar with a gift to the Lord. Apparently I wasn't giving enough and I am still not as the sinner I am , I cannot thank God enough for his Gift of Life in Jesus. The church needed new carpet, new paint, and new pew cushions because we are out to grow God's Kingdom. They said that they had a vision for the church and that this was what God wanted. My reply was this, I think that God told us what he wanted when he sent Jesus into this world and when Jesus ascended to heaven. In otherwords, God told the apostles that the mission was to go forth and preach the Gospel to all nations and baptize them in the name of The Father,  The Son, and The Holy Ghost. I don't see anything about interior decorating and Jesus taught people anywhere and everywhere.

 Part of the plan was to spend the funds on failed programs that the church wanted that were essentially programs that the false teaching Evangelical Church up the street had in place. These programs were there to attract the fallen evangelicals to our church and give them the same stuff they left the Evangelical Church for only with a Lutheran flavor. Guess what it is the same program! Our new Programs  were to be purpose driven, fireproofing, and 7 days of sex and yes these would build our church and along with the new building we would be on the "Glory Road" from 300 members to 600 members.

So what were going to get out of this? At the Judgment Day we could stand confidently before the Lord and tell him that we gave to build His church that got so many more butts in the pew. For those of us who didn't we were going to have to account to the Lord as to why we did not give and go up to the altar to drop off our pledge card.

How dare this church ever think of calling itself Lutheran or Christ Centered! This is stench of works based righteousness that has infected the Christian Faith and has made many so called "Christians" congregants of civil religion. Just look at the McChurches and Rick Warren's quotes and "peace less plan" no Christ Centricity or preaching at all! Only more to dos for the Christian.

 One of the main problems with the Wisconsin Synod is the Office of the Ministry.  The Pastoral Ministry is often subjugated to the desires of the congregation. Since the congregations have most of the control the office of the pastor his guidance, counsel and teaching are often treated as fodder by the Pharisaical sheep who run the various boards that are not ministries but are considered ministries that essentially believe themselves equal to the Pastoral Office. This means a school teacher has the same calling and in the eyes of this congregation as much teaching authority as the pastor. This congregation wanted to be BIG. They envied the movie theater down the street and probably would have served popcorn and Coke just like them for you to enjoy when the hip new pastor arrived. The current pastor was just too Law, too Gospel, and too doctrinal and old school. Well the hip pastor arrived and the Muslims moved in and the church has declined, no new families only more enemies. Kind of like Luther said that the Turk is a sort of tutor to lead us to look to Christ, he said something similar to this but I can' t remember where. But I think this church and this church body may be to far gone to see the forest between the trees.

 The Confessional Lutheran Church has the most to offer for anyone wanting to know Christ and remain in him and we do not need to do this by gimmickry and METHOBAPTOCOSTAL theology that is antithetical to the pure Scriptural teaching. However, the Church that I just wrote about is  not one of those that has anything different to offer from the McChurch they so envied.