According to the BBC a survey was taken stating that religion may become extinct in nine countrie. The problem with what the so called survey is saying is that the answer is loaded. People answered no affiliation of religion and this certainly does not discount the number of people who claim to be spiritual and to be honest even the atheist claims this. Even the atheist has a religious belief in the scientism he places his faith in . Scientism, is a religion .It definitely is because even researchers such as one Mr.Cody who is not a Christian, Muslim, Jew, Hindu or anything else says, " No one really knows anything about how the world got here". If you listen to many who call themselves non religious who in reality are devotees of "Scientism" evolution is the fact.Even if it can't be proven. They hold to this belief as i hold to the resurrection of Christ which is documented and is true and is not a theory. Yet they have not gotten any closer to proving their theories than before and have often lowered themselves to stating that alien bacteria are in a meteorite that was found on It is kind of like Dawkins saying transitional lifeforms are not needed for evolution to be true. A proverbial atheist grabbing of straws. I find it a little sad that you want to grab at straws but if that is what you want to do I feel sorry for you.
Enough bashing on the scientific religionists! What is the problem with religion today? I will only address this from a Christian perspective. In the Christian faith we are in a state of extremes. On one hand we have the non denominational, fundementalist, name it claim crowd and the other side we have the pedophiles of various Christian Stripes, higher critics of liberalism, the politically religious, and the religiously apostates.
These various groups have unfortunately, become what the Christian faith is now known for. With all of the fullness of false teaching, crimes, theatrics and poor behavior they have managed to break down the faith of ordinary people. Ordinary people have no place to go so when the promises of these groups run out or when the people feel victimized there are only two places to go; the so called spiritiuality of the self (Gnosticism) or atheism. Either way you have a belief system just not one in a religious denomination. So what do we do to stem this tide of disatisfaction among those who want to leave the faith? The first thing we have to realize is that some will leave but others are still looking for the truth. That truth is in the true faith found in Christ and not the faith in Christ you find on television peddled by the hucksters of TBN or anyone else on TV. You will find this true Christian Faith in God's Word and Sacrament. I am going to stop here for now but will continue later.
Enough bashing on the scientific religionists! What is the problem with religion today? I will only address this from a Christian perspective. In the Christian faith we are in a state of extremes. On one hand we have the non denominational, fundementalist, name it claim crowd and the other side we have the pedophiles of various Christian Stripes, higher critics of liberalism, the politically religious, and the religiously apostates.
These various groups have unfortunately, become what the Christian faith is now known for. With all of the fullness of false teaching, crimes, theatrics and poor behavior they have managed to break down the faith of ordinary people. Ordinary people have no place to go so when the promises of these groups run out or when the people feel victimized there are only two places to go; the so called spiritiuality of the self (Gnosticism) or atheism. Either way you have a belief system just not one in a religious denomination. So what do we do to stem this tide of disatisfaction among those who want to leave the faith? The first thing we have to realize is that some will leave but others are still looking for the truth. That truth is in the true faith found in Christ and not the faith in Christ you find on television peddled by the hucksters of TBN or anyone else on TV. You will find this true Christian Faith in God's Word and Sacrament. I am going to stop here for now but will continue later.
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