Monday, January 03, 2011

What's Wrong With This Position Part II

A consequence of Willard's academic honesty is his unwillingness to state who's in and who's out spiritually, which bothers critics who worry that he is a universalist. He says he doesn't believe anyone will be saved except by Jesus, but he adds, "How that works out, probably no one knows."

Let's see Dallas Willard does not know how anyone will be saved or "how that works out". But, he only believes that people will be saved by Jesus. He is either to much or to little of the philosopher he is supposed to be. He might as well be saying that Jesus paid for everyones sins but his death may not be sufficient to save anybody; therefore we can't trust Jesus when he says in John 6:44 No man can come to me , except which the Father hath sent me draw him an I will raise him up at the last day. KJV. My question is how can one trust false prophets? My only guess is this is what itchy ears want to hear or the continuing Biblical Illiteracy continues. I will wager it is both.

He teeters on the edge of openness theology, saying God can choose not to know the future if he wants to, but he doesn't go as far as many openness adherents, whose views he believes "slip into process theology."

This is another problem. Unless, I'm mistaken God is unchanging and has given us a future that he has revealed in Jesus. God reveals the coming of his Son in Genesis 3:15 and the prophecy is fulfilled in Matthew 1:18. We do not know all things about God but the things that we need to know he has revealed to us in the Scriptures. Since God has not revealed all things about himself it is wrong to make assumptions out of a man's thoughts as those assumptions would be telling falsehoods about God as man does not know what he is talking about. What we need to know God and salvation through Christ are located in one place the Bible. This is the beauty of Scripture Alone; the very principle "emergents" are trying to destroy.

Do you believe Jesus can come up to you and listen to you?" He had been wondering about this ever since Willard told him that it was indeed possible. Moreland assured him that, in his own unique way, Willard had spoken the truth. The student later gave his life to Christ.

Jesus hears the prayer of the righteous and draws those outside Him to Him if they are willing to refrain from rejecting the truth. I wonder what the student's real question was that Moreland gave him such an emotions based answer. I hope that the student does not suddenly get disappointed if he suddenly begins to ask Christ to name it and Claim it for him. I think a more upfront and honest answer could have been given to the young man. By the way, we do not give our lives to Christ see John 6:44 again. With God I hope that this guy continues in the faith and distances himself from Willard's false teaching and enthusiasm. Jesus will come up to me and listen to me one day at His Glorious Return on the Judgment Seat. But the last I heard that the Lord hears the prayers of the righteous and allows rain to fall on both the righteous and unrighteous.

More Later!

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