Tuesday, June 04, 2013

The 1st Amendment continues to be attacked.

 If you are Christian you can receive all of the attacks that come your way without any protection and if you criticize Islam in any way or have any antipathy towards terrorism that is committed by an unknown amount of people within their community you are using hate speech. Last I looked I still had a freedom to speak my mind according to the 1st amendment and with that right I will also say not all Muslims are terrorists and it would be foolish to say that they are. Once again we have another person in the Mikey Weinstein mold attacking the right to not only religious, but civil free speech.

Accept the fact that there are morons who you disagree with (Communists, Westboro Baptists etc.) but in no way do you have to listen to them and Muslims do not have to listen to anyone they disagree with either. they also have the right to personal defense if they are threatened like every other person in our country.

The other problem I have is, are my Christian beliefs considered hate speech and threatening to Muslims?  Does my attempt at dialog with them become a threat and indicate a red flag that I might decide to do them harm by telling them Jesus loves them;and that there is no such thing as Shirk ( The Muslim doctrine that states the Trinity is blasphemous and punishable by death.)? If this is the case then we are being treated unjustly because of our religious beliefs, this is antithetical to the Constitution..

Some seem to forget that 9/11 was done by people who hate our way of life and Christian beliefs ( perhaps this is why the government is for this type of bad law). This most recently came to a head again in Boston. Not all Muslims can be labeled with the fanatics who advocate murder and submission in the name of their false god .People should be judged by their actions as Christians we look to Jesus and see selfless love , grace , and redemption for his people ( this would leave the agnostic Timothy Mcveigh, Terry Nichols, and the Sikh Temple Murderer who by their actions and beliefs were not Christian. The author needs to get his facts straight that the aforementioned offenders were and are as irreligious as he is.). In the Muslim world their are some good things and devout and kind Muslim People and like all other parts of the world a history of blood, war, and pillage.

As Christians we should condemn the actions of those who would murder and destroy with reckless abandon especially those who claim that they are with us when they are actually against us.As Christians we should also continue to speak of God. I am sure that there are some in the Islamic community who would agree and not want to lose their 1st amendment rights either. A continuing loss of religious freedom and rights are the end result to all of this.


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