Thursday, May 02, 2013

Acquit Gosnell?

 Great point made by Kristen Hatten. Ms. Hatten states that this is what has happened since abortion was allowed by the Supreme Court due to judicial fiat by the justices. The very existence of this malevolent and savage practice of infanticide called "abortion" has led to this result and it begs the question how many more so called Drs. practice state permitted infanticide at late term . There are without doubt definitely more as there is proof via the website linked to below. Do states really have the grounds to convict Mr. Gosnell ( He is not fit to be a doctor as his actions do plenty of harm and are akin to Menegele).

Ms. Hatten makes an interesting observation that Mr. Gosnell should be acquitted yet disgraced everyday of his life and attention should be brought to his actions and to the actions of those who do not perform late term abortions and the rest of them who perform the procedure late term.

I wonder what they are going to do about the person who does this savagery in D.C., will they investigate likely not as Gosnell did it for 30 years?

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