Good theological material and not Scripture.
If what the Church Fathers taught was holy on the same level as Scripture?Then what is to stop others today from making new opinions which contradict but could still be considered Patristic Literature? (I.E. Popes!)It is safe to conclude that the writings of the Fathers were for the most part derived from Scripture therefore since it was derived from Holy Writ it is not Holy Writ because unlike the Scriptures it was not written through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit and is therefore an opinion. Opinions are not holy as is in the case of, the Fathers because opinions are not Scripture of which there is only one Bible.If the Fathers and Popes are supposed to have opinions on the level of Scripture then the Scripture is contradictory to these opinions and can be made subject to man's preferences and viewpoints. This is nothing short of Higher Criticism and actually has given to the Jesus Seminar, Bultmann,Barth, Ehrman and others. The reasoning of such men in short is nothing but the theology of opinion.
Another example would be people who are in the Emerging Church. The stuff they write is worth using for tissue if you can get past the scrape of the paper as many of them now have decided to deny the validity of Scripture. In short anything published outside God's Word is not scripiture it is only literature and some of it is very bad!