Wednesday, April 22, 2009
I wonder if anyone thought of answering the question of evil in the settingof free will to sin but not free will in the way of life. As a Christian, Iknow that man has no capacity for good outside of God, that is by himself hedoes no good work. I understand that Christ also said this, Apart from meyou can bear no good fruit.So isn't it possible that the ungodly actions of men are all done to serveGod's purpose? An evil takes place so a good may result. It is a harsh thingto say but it can be said that many good things have taken place as theresults of evil acts. For example, relief organizations working on behalfof citizens on a war torn country the Pope( thought he is the Anti-Christrescuing a condemned man from the evil Mohamedan Malefactors), People beingbrought to justice after committing felonious crimes. Something definitelygood has resulted from these evils. I am not saying that we should do evilso good can result rather, I believe that good happens to destroy the evilthat was committed and exacted the wrong.Yes these actions take and are in motion for God to accomplish his purpose.This purpose accomplished by those who have no free will.