Some People Think the Works of God are Evil.
My pastor reiterated something beautiful about God in Bible last Sunday. He reminded us that God allows evils and disaster Such as Katrina to happen, to bring his people to repentance, to discipline them, and allow Christians to do good works. Let us not forget that these good works were prepared in advance for his people to do.
The human idea contrived from the sinful nature believes that when we are not gratified or free of pain in life's tempest that life's disasters do no good for anyone. We all try to avoid the disasters in life and often they do discipline us and sometimes they are punishment for our actions and are not enjoyable . Underlying all of this however, is God's great and rich mercy. A mercy that is prevalent though we deserve His punishment. A mercy through Christ alone.
The next question to answer is the one that says God is not gracious or merciful because he allows evil to happen to good people. Is anyone inherently good?By what standard is goodness judged? Generally not by Christ's standard.
Christ's standard is that only God is good alone. That seprates everyone from goodness on their own merits. The truth is you can be a nice person and not be a good person. For those of us who claim to be "Do Gooders", we must be honest with ourselves. We have done much evil in our lives by what we have said or done and again God is rich in mercy and overflowing with love and forgiveness for the repentant. Despite what some may think God wants all to have a repentant and desires to have mercy on all.
In many ways we can say this mercy is in action whether it be in New Orleans where much good is being done by many churches and average people with generous hearts. These workers have gone into the field and given others hope when none seemed possible. The good thing is there is probably much more being done than is known. The works of God are great in circumstances whether we understand them or not.However, with the good that eventually results which is sometimes over time, his work is not evil.just remember back to a time 2,000 years ago at a cross on Calvary.
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