Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Apathy of Judges and their opposition to the God who gave them their Power.

While some of us still cherish the Doctrine of Two Kingdoms there are others who blur the distinction.

I live in San Diego, CA. and for the past 10 years or so there has been a debate over the Soledad Mountain Cross War Memorial and whether it violates the establishment clause of the Constitution. This issue has been in and out of court. One side is represented by a disgruntled athiest and the other by families of fallen heroes,the Christian community, and other citizens of San Diego with varying religious backgrounds.Who would have thought two Jewish men would have been on the forefront of this charge to keep the Cross where it is.There are even some athiests who show no aversion to the cross and think it should remain even if it is for historical value. I do not find it bad to pray and hope that maybe these people who are not Christians and support the Cross will be driven to discover the Gospel. This is a topic for later discussion.

In July we believed this situation to finally be solved.The residents of the city were preparing to vote to keep the Cross as it is and where it is as a U.S. Government war memorial.However, as they always do, a judge decided that the residents of San Diego needed a 65% approval for the Cross to remain. Thanks be to our Lord we had 76% and it looked as if the Cross would remain at the Soledad War Memorial and not be moved to the Presbyterian church Downhill or to some other non public location away from public view.

Much to the displeasure of many, the same Judge has now decided that our vote is unconstitutional and now has made it possible dependent on future proceedings that the Cross could yet be removed.This is amazing because this same judge set the rule of majority vote in motion and now because she has been defeated has hardened in her position again.I admit I did not expect them to go away and never return.This is even in opposition to the Supreme Court.

What bothers me is where did the integrity of our justice system go. Our Founding Fathers mention our Creator(God) in the Constitution and many of them were religious men. These Judges seem to forget that they would have no power if it were not given to them by God.I als o do not understand how the Ten Commandments can be thought of as merely religious symbols and therefore cannot be displayed. The last time I looked I thought stealing was against the law. We would not what Law is if we had not been told by the Scriptures and it is valid for believer and unbeliever alike. It is shame that the stewards of the Law do not have any regard as they once did for God who made it. The presence of the Cross is no more an endorsement of religion than one on a tombstone.Which is exactly what a memorial is for the military heroes buried there.

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