Relevant Luther
I don't know about anyone else but I am sick and tired of hearing the word relevant. When did the Word of God become irrelevant? I guess the bilge being promoted by televangelism, purpose driven fools, and emergence is relevant. Seems kind of strange though because none of these alternatives are really grasping what being Christian is all about. Televangelism is busy saying give money and you can get it back and you never do. Purpose Driven Life Drives us right into the arms of despair and emergence is apostasy version 2.0. i can speak from experience ; before Christ called me back home I had been involved in other versions of these movements. A story that I may cover in the future. What seems to be lacking with each of these movements is the lack of transedence. In televangelism you have only the desire for a prosperity that may never occur and not looking to God's Kingdom for assurance. In the purpose driven life you have no hope because your success is not dependent on faith but on how much you do, Works Based Righteousness anyone? I don't think so! Emergence it isn't emergent it is actually descending to hell! With a promotion by people such as Tickle,Willard, McLaren,Campolo, Jones, Pagitt,Bell and the list goes on there is no hope at all.
So what does Luther think about depending on Works Based Righteousness? That is what these movements or philosophies are promoting. Here is one from the 95 Theses. Theses 40 states:
We do not become righteous by doing righteous deeds but, having been made rigteous , we do righteous deeds. This is in opposition to the philosophers.
I think to call the Televangelists,Emergents, and Purpose Drivers of this world philosophers is a little stretch. These people stopped loving God's Word as truth a long time ago. Some people will say this is just my opinion . We will see!