Monday, April 25, 2011

Holy Week a Week of Suffering and Joy

It has been a little while since I have written anything. Believe me it was never an intention of mine to not post, but new obligations have taken some hold recently. These are now nothing that cannot be taken care of and Praise God from Whom all Blessings Flow for getting me out of the issues!

 People often like to blog periodically during Holy Week.  Today, I chose to blog about what happened during this repentant and joyous time. Interestingly enough, in this time of repentance I often behaved the opposite of how I should. I was unkind, impatient, and self serving even during times when I should be behaving I don't. In all of this, I see the Lord who did all of these things and through his passion I see all of the things that I have done this evil I have and do now nailed to the Cross. So why do I look at the Cross when I keep doing the evil  I am doing? The answer is simple because I need to be reminded of his gracious love which He gave me as I am such a wretch ;doing nothing deserving of His grace; yet I continue to do evil even though I wish to do good. I am sad because of the death that an innocent man died for me.His death was done to save me and all guilty. The good news is we are justified by his blood and not our own works. If we were to be justified by works then Christ would not have had to die for our sins.

 This death was one that brought life as He lives so shall all who call on Christ's name. The tomb is empty and all other false messiahs are rotting and will rise as I will but not to life with Christ but life apart from
Him; a life of no joy with God. But for those who do not know him today there is an opportunity . As one looks at Easter they can see what life is ,the death that sin brings, but the life of Christ and the empty tomb.

Salvation unto us has come from God's free grace and favor.( Paul Speratus)